7th European Arthouse Cinema Day: few days to go

• European Arthouse Cinema Day

Next Sunday, 13 November, we will celebrate the 7th European Arthouse Cinema Day!

Over 550 cinemas, across 37 countries worldwide, have registered and prepared a rich programme dedicated to the European cinema: with previews, live streaming and Q&A with film directors and movie casts, workshop for the younger audience, discussion with the public and much more.

Map of participating cinemas in 2022 (artcinemaday.org)
Map of participating cinemas in 2022 (artcinemaday.org)

The Ambassadors and the special events

Emily Atef, Lukas Dhont, Alice Diop, Valerio Mastandrea, Pilar Palomero and Agnieszka Smoczynska are our amazing Ambassadors for the 7th European Arthouse Cinema Day who will be also attending some live events on Sunday 13th November.

Videomessages for the audience

Cinemas have still few days to register on the artcinemaday.org website, to share and promote their programme for the day, and download the promotional material, as well as the official trailer and the special messages that Lukas Dhont and Agnieszka Smoczynska have prepared for the audience and the cinemas, in mp4 or DCP.

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Stay in touch!