7th European Arthouse Cinema Day: Thanks for your participation!

• European Arthouse Cinema Day

We would like to thank all the cinemas who participated in the 7th European Arthouse Cinema Day! 
It was a successful edition, with about 600 cinemas participating in 38 countries across the world.

Some of you organised special events such as Q&As with the film cast, talks & drinks, premières and previews or workshop and activities for the young audiences.

We also want to thank all the partners and supporters who made possible to organise the European Arthouse Cinema Day 2022:

Creative Europe MEDIA, Europa Cinemas, Eurimages, FFA - Filmförderungsanstalt, BKM - Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien, Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg, Ministère de la Culture, CNC - Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée, Ministero della Cultura, for their financial support.

The national cinemas associations AFCAE, AG Kino-Gilde, FICE - Federazione Italiana Cinema d'Essai, Schweizer Studiofilm Verband, Art Mozi Egyesület, Aiace Torino, VAC - Arthouse Cinema Vlaanderen, NAAS ناس l Network of Arab Alternative Screens Stowarzyszenie Kin Studyjnych, NFO - Nederlands filmtheater overleg, PROMIO and Riksföreningen Biograferna.

The distributors BTEAM Pictures, Jour2Fête, Les Films du Losange, Pandora Film Verleih and Polyfilm Verleih for collaborating with us to organise and to also promote the special events with our ambassadors, to whom we also send special thanks.

European Film Academy, Lux Audience Award, European Film Factory, France Télévisions, Télérama, Positif, Programmkino, Cineuropa, FILM New Europe and Alphapanda, for their support in communicating and promoting the day.

It was a festive day where the cinema-going experience and the richness of European cinema have been at the heart of it.
Thank you ❤️


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