Arthouse Cinemas express solidarity with Ukrainian exhibitors

• Press Release

Berlin, 28.02.2022

Arthouse Cinemas express solidarity with Ukrainian exhibitors and people of the country and take a stand against the war.

Arthouse cinemas bring people together, create spaces for discussion, show diversity in the world and in our societies, defend the freedom of art and see themselves as partners of all filmmakers around the world who, with courage, talent and sensitivity, dare to look at the world in crisis. In this way we participate in a living democratic society.

The attack of Russia on Ukraine is of great concern to us. In the face of the shocking images and news that have reached us in the past days, we are asking ourselves about our responsibility for a free and open world and what we can do now against this feeling of ‘powerlessness’.

What we take so naturally in times of peace and prosperity is now becoming a responsibility. Many of us have told of friends, guests and staff who are in deep fear for their loved ones. And numerous filmmakers and artists from Ukraine as well as Russia have called on the world not to look away in this war. They are all in acute danger. We want to respond to this call.

As public spaces, we can show our solidarity with Ukraine and all the people committed to peace and civil society. On our display sites and on the screen. We can show our audiences films, share thoughts, create a sense of community. We can help by providing hope and showing that democracy and freedom are not naïve dreams, but strong and attainable ideals to defend in an increasingly uncertain world.

Cinema makes us dream. But it also makes us face our responsibilities. Therefore, we invite our members to share the attached image on their screens and in their networks.

We will keep adding new language versions to the existing ones. Please get in touch with if you cannot find the version with your language to share with us the translation and we will add it as soon as possible.

*Currently available in English,Croatian, French, German, Italian, Hungarian, Dutch, Arabic, Bulgarian.


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