European Arthouse Cinema Day 2022 - Registrations open

• European Arthouse Cinema Day

The registrations for the European Arthouse Cinema Day 2022, taking place on Sunday 13th November are open.

The registration comes also with few updates on our website, for which we would like to give you some instructions here below.

Registration Process

Creating an account for the Cinema Area

Each participating cinema (or company, in case you own/manage multiple cinemas) will have to register and create an account. Please note that only one account is needed to manage more cinemas. 

Register with your company name, this will be also the Username to be used for logging in.
You can add later the cinemas in your listing.

Once the registration is completed, you will receive an automatic email asking you to confirm your registration. At this point, you will be able to log into your dashboard in the cinema area, with the name and password given during the registration process.

Registration page
Registration page
Your Cinema Area

In your cinema area you will have access to a dashboard, where you can add the cinemas to your profile, manage your listing, update the information for the cinema(s) at any time, and to the downloads page.

You can either add a cinema from the list of cinemas who participated in 2021, by selecting the country, the city and the name of the cinema; or, you can register a new cinema in case you can't find it already in the list, and completing all the information requested.


In the download section registered cinemas will find the promotional material and resources, useful to communicate about the European Arthouse Cinema Day.

The material is sorted out by typology and by language.

Download area section
Download area section

When clicking on "Global" you will find the resources that are valid on international level. By clicking on the language code, you will find also material available in that specific language.

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