The official trailer of the 7th European Arthouse Cinema Day is now available

• European Arthouse Cinema Day

Less than one month is left for the big day and we are more than happy to finally share with you the trailer for the European Arthouse Cinema Day 2022, created and produced in collaboration with Europa Cinemas.

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Download the official trailer

Participating cinemas will find the official trailer in English in the download area of their account, in mp4 and DCP formats. The trailer is now available to download also in French, German, Italian, Spanish, Hungarian (mp4). The DCP for these versions and the other languages will be added in the next days.

Special events with the ambassadors

The following events are being organised in presence of the Ambassadors:

  • Emily Atef - Avant-Premiere of MORE THAN EVER at 4pm in the cinema Le Balzac in Paris, followed by a meeting with the director and moderated by an editor from the magazine Positif. Live broadcast for French and German cinemas that want to participate (translation into German will be available).
  • Alice Diop - Avant-Premiere of SAINT OMER in the cinema Le Grand Action in Paris at 4pm, followed by a meeting with the director and moderated by an editor from the magazine Positif. Live broadcast for French cinemas that want to participate.
  • Pilar Palomero - Avant-Premiere of LA MATERNAL in the cinema Cines Embajadores in Madrid at 6pm (exact time to be confirmed). Simultaneous screening and live broadcast in Spanish cinemas that want to participate.
  • Valerio Mastandrea - Event in Rome in his presence for Italian cinemas.
Film still of "More than ever"; film still of "Saint Omer" by Alice Diop; film still of "La Maternal" by Pilar Palomero; film still of "Diabolik 2" with Andrea Mastandrea
Film still of "More than ever"; film still of "Saint Omer" by Alice Diop; film still of "La Maternal" by Pilar Palomero; film still of "Diabolik 2" with Andrea Mastandrea

Recommended films

We have collected in the European Arthouse Cinema Day "Download" page (under "useful information") few lists of recommended films, prepared also by the national associations: AFCAE, AG Kino-Gilde and Art Mozi Egyesület.

  • CICAE lists of recommended films includes: European films awarded with the Arthouse Cinema Award, LUX Audience Award nominated films of the past 2 years, European Film Academy list of films 2022, European Film Factory films (these can be screened in the framework of cinema education programs with younger audiences, and for non-commercial screenings), films of this year's ambassadors and illustrator. (Section "Global")
  • AFCAE lists of recommended films include: European films 2022 released in France and films in preview for the day for French exhibitors. (Section "FR")
  • AG Kino-Gilde list of recommended films includes: films offered by German distributors for previews for German exhibitors. (Section "DE")
  • Art Mozi Egyesület list of recommended films includes: films available for the Hungarian cinemas. (Section "HU")
Among the recommended films: "Unicorn Wars" by Alberto Vázquez, "Close" by Lukas Dhont, "Settembre" by Giulia Louise Steigerwalt, "The Black Pharaoh, the Savage and the Princess" by Michel Ocelot
Among the recommended films: "Unicorn Wars" by Alberto Vázquez, "Close" by Lukas Dhont, "Settembre" by Giulia Louise Steigerwalt, "The Black Pharaoh, the Savage and the Princess" by Michel Ocelot

Promotional material and social media ideas

The poster is adapted to several languages and can be found in the download area of your Cinema Area on the website: English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Spanish, Portuguese, Croatian, Slovenian, Hungarian.

You will also find the logos updated in the languages and social media resources, as well as the visual to be shown on your big screen, that we encourage you to use for your communication in relation to the European Arthouse Cinema Day on Sunday 13 November 2022.

In the section "Design" - "Global" you will also find the frames for Instagram stories and posts, that you can use to create customized posts with the logo of the event; additionally, we have created a template for Instagram posts and stories with the main visual background, that can be completed with your customized texts.

Create a Facebook event and we will promote it

Participating cinemas can create a Facebook Event for their cinema page (see here) and add the European Arthouse Cinema Day (@artcinemaday) as co-host. We will then boost your event with paid ads and campaigns, reaching out to a wider audience in your region.

You can use the Artwork 1920x1080 available in English, German, French, Italian and Spanish as cover for your Facebook event.

Take part in the 7th European Arthouse Cinema Day

Don't forget to register to appear on the map of participating cinemas! Over 350 cinemas from 20 countries have already signed up.

The event is open to all cinemas worldwide, regardless of whether they belong to a national arthouse cinema network or the CICAE. Prerequisite: programming of European films!

The registration process is easy:

  1. Create your personal account with your unique username and password. You can use 1 email address per account and manage multiple cinemas with the same account.
  2. Confirm your account by clicking on the link in the confirmation email.
  3. Now you can do the login and add your cinema(s) in the listing in the dashboard.
  4. Download all the promotional material in the Download page.

Please note: creating account is not sufficient to appear on the map of participating cinemas. You need to add/create the cinema page in your "dashboard".

Join us for this special day of celebration of European films and arthouse cinemas around the world!


Stay in touch!